The truth about wires

Wires!! Lounging around the sofa I hit them once.. Jerked my hand involuntarily . They hissed! You see they have a purpose.They clamor for an existence.A mound of them lying there humming with the silent honesty of a job well done. One connects the cable modem to the multi connector cord. One connects the cord to the laptop. One flaps around without a purpose wanting to be a bridged.

I dare say I feel I can spread this picture on a wider canvas. Why does any human connection need to be ostensible? Why do I need to know Ray to help Ray or have a bond with him? I really do not. The basic ink of a handshake is as firmly imprinted in all our DNA as is the feigned ignorance of another person.I have seen people walk out from nowhere in times of great crises and assist folks in need without even knowing them. I have also seen people maddened in a mob, tear down flesh and stone at the exhortation of an equally unknown crowd. Yin and yang play out their little games in our minds.The choice is always upto us.

Smile at a stranger and he may smile back . Strike at a stranger and he will surely strike back in means subtle or obvious. The bonds between us always exist in this duality. In between the largest disputes examined on the conference tables in the great halls and the smallest quarrels in the everyday house the solution of the discord lies not far from the explosion. The need to reach out is as compulsive as the need to wantonly destroy. Flip the pages of any book dedicated to the analysis of a dispute and all you want to do is tear your hair out. Reams of paper wasted on the refusal to communicate.

Hence cast out those hissing and spitting cobras of wires. Connect as we all were meant to . Read no more of this spiel and espouse the cause of the wireless!!


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