About to takeoff ( Oct 15, 2015)

It feels like a cusp now. All the farewells , the fond hugs, the wild partying , the promises to stay in touch and the furious exchange of all forms of contacts have led to this point. What promises to be an interesting adventure is beginning with a 2 hour delayed Air India flight to Delhi in Terminal 4 at Heathrow. I take the 2 hour delay to be a forerunner of things to come and my response to them.

Normally I would be flustered at carrying 2 massive bags stuffed with all my belongings and dealing with a lineup that snaked around two corners. I feel a remarkable sense of calm as I navigate the repacking of my bags, pay the extra fees and even manage to shop a bit as a I lug my squeaky VIP cabin bag of yore ( 15 years !).

What brings about this calm? This feeling of curiosity tinged with adventure and equanimity? Was it the amazing amount of goodwill that I have experienced in the last few days? Rockstar, Emma, Sunny boy , Phil , Betchy , Jeff, Chico.. the names roll off the tongue .. The warmth in my heart never ceases to dwindle. London - you are a part of me because of these names . They listened, they encouraged and they joked but most importantly they believed in me and my hopes. Maybe that's why I fear less what lies ahead.Or maybe it is the feeling of 15 years of travelling finally coming to an end as I poise to return home.

Home. An alien word for such a long time. A place of memories . A place to return to for a short holiday. A place to idolise in fleeting happy moments and feel sad about in its well documented flaws. But always a place that stoked my passion and where I belong. If I return as a stranger to her side it is only to know her better and make her smile.


Madhu Dutta said…
This one made me smile. I am glad you are here now.:)

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